Wednesday, June 3, 2009

At The End of The Road - San Augustin, Honduras

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At the end of the Road in West Central Honduras lies a little mountain town called San Augustin. As of now this is our planned destination for our medical and dental mission from June 13th-20th. The recent 7.3 magnitude earthquake that hit Honduras has caused significant structural damage to many of the roads and bridges around San Pedro Sula, the city where we will fly into, and therefore we may be rerouted to set up our mission in another town. As of now we may not know for sure our destination but we do know one who does and we put our faith and hope in Him.

We would love for you to help us by praying for the Mission staff who live in Honduras, the Hondurans we are going to serve, the mission team who will be sharing Christ, pray for our families as we are away and pray that God the author and commander of missions goes before and with us as we proclaim His eternal love to all ends.


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