Monday, February 16, 2009


Twelve Men from Lee Lannom on Vimeo.

We model our Life Point Groups, our community groups, after Jesus Christ and his twelve disciples. Jesus and the disciples gathered together as a group who desired to grow in their relationship with the Lord, to support each other through the good times and the tough times and to reach out to others who needed to learn about the love of God and salvation that is obtained through Christ.

A challenge for you and your LIFE POINT:

1) Commit to praying for each other, that each person in your group will develop a deeper walk with the Lord. It is through a sincere and powerful love of our Lord that we are able to be used by God.

2) Be a Missional group, look outside the walls of your group, Jesus and his disciples were constantly being sent out to share the message and the love of Christ. Find a way for you and your community group to relate with unbelievers.

3) Devote yourself to the study in which your Group is in and Apply the material to your lives. We study that we may have a better understanding of how God desires us to live.

Amazing things will happen when we follow the life of Christ. We will find fulfillment in Him as will others who do not know Him yet.

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