Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Indonesia Hurry up and Wait

We received a call Sunday around Lunch time from Alicia, one of the five on the Indonesia Missions team and she was pretty disappointed. I don't think she will mind me sharing but she was crying tears of compassion, her heart was with the people of Indonesia who need to feel the love of Jesus. These tears were initiated by their flight which was cancelled due to safety reason with the plane.

The back up plan ended up being to stay with Alicia's parents who live an hour from the Washington DC airport and return bright and early in the morning for their rescheduled flight. The team would then be back on their way to share with the those in Medan and Banda Aceh.

Thank you for your prayers so far as the team has safely arrived in Singapore and praise the Lord that problems with the plane in which they were to board were realized before take off.

Pray for continued safety for remainder flights and travel on the road as they reach their destinations. Pray that the hearts of those they come in contact with while traveling and while working with the people of Indonesia will be softened and receptive to the Gospel.

And praise the Lord for those with a heart to share the love of our Lord and who are willing to sacrifice.

Thank you for your prayers and support.
