Monday, October 20, 2008

Biblical Parenting

The following talk from Tedd Tripp, author and pastor, gives foundational teaching on raising your children in the image of Christ, based on scripture. This talk is incredibly valuable for parents forming the lives of children.

Key Points

- Instruction is key in influencing your children.
- We must teach our children to interpret life.
- Your life breathes life into your children.
- Failure in the home is the demise of a pure Christian witness.
- The home is the primary place for biblical teaching and instruction.
- Falling deeper in love with the Lord will provide you the strength and power needed to be the parent God has called you to be.

"As for me and my house we will serve the Lord"


Thursday, October 9, 2008

Prayer Schedule for South Africa

Please cover our South Africa missionaries by praying each day for the following activities.

Thurs. 10/09 Arrive in Jo'Berg and find the Nazarene Center
Fri. 10/10 Shop for materials, Meet with John Ndlovu, visit Cosmo City/Prayer
Sat. 10/11 Game Drive, Prayer walk/Canvas Cosmo City
Sun. 10/12 Worship at Cosmo City, First Bible School Session, Worship at Honey
Ridge Church
Mon. 10/13 Purchase Groceries for Bible School, Bible School
Tues. 10/14 Bethesda Children's Home, Purchase Groceries for Bible School, Bible
Wed. 10/15 Morning Time, Purchase Groceries for Bible School, Bible School
Thurs. 10/16 Door of Hope, Fellowship Time with John & Church Family
Fri. 10/17 Depart from Nazarene Center, Friday night accommodations are open
Sat. 10/18 Arrive at Jo'Berg Airport, Depart Jo'Berg
Sun. 10/19 Arrive in Chattanooga, TN

As a church family we can assist, in great ways, the efforts in South Africa by praying.

In Christ, Matt

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

South Africa Missions Trip 2008

South Africa here we come! Departure Date Wednesday, October 8th. Please pray that the Lord goes before the South Africa team as they reach out with love, with the gospel, with Bible teaching and with food for the hungry. Your prayers are needed and appreciated!

* Thank God for what he has done for you!
* Pray for our physical safety during our travels.
* Pray that each team member will be obedient to the
calling of the Holy Spirit.
* Pray that Holy Spirit will open the eyes of the spiritual
blind in Cosmo City. The Bible School will be Mon-Thurs.
* Pray that the food will be multiplied each day. We plan
to provide a small meal to everyone after Bible School.
* Pray that each team member will be healthy during our
travel and stay in South Africa.
* Pray for John & Rosinah Ndlovu as they "work the soil"
in Cosmo City in preparation of our arrival.
* Pray for Jr's Dad & Kristi's Mom that they will be OK
while we are gone.
* Pray for Heather & Dwayne as they take care of our
animals and home while we are gone.
* Pray that God will give Jr wisdom & spiritual guidance as
he shares the Word of God on Sunday.
* Pray for God's material provision. We are still $2,800
short of our money to be raised.

Team Members: Ema, Zeke, Erica, Roxanne, Jackie,
Kristi, Steve and Jr.
